You know how it is being a single lesbian...
We psych ourselves out thinking that maybe we’re aiming too high, and maybe the woman we’re dreaming of doesn’t even exist.
And we worry that we might simply miss meeting our soulmate because the world is so big, and we’re part of such a small minority that maybe we’ll die without finding each other.
And we waste so much time wondering if we should have stayed with our ex because maybe we’ll never find anything better...
And when we’re single we get sick of endlessly swiping. And conversations that go nowhere and then disappear. And dates that end up being a disappointment.
And for so many of us it’s frustrating being single because even though we know how to make things happen for ourselves at work and in terms of real-world goals, when it comes to our love life, it feels like we’re powerless, like everything is completely out of our hands.
Most of us, when we’re single, can relate to being tired of leaving work and not having someone to text, of always coming home to an empty apartment, and of going to sleep alone, not having someone to cuddle with or hold on to.
But we know what we want...
Most of us are picky and we want to find someone who has her sh!t together.
Someone who is kind and thoughtful and responsible, who has a good outlook and shares our values (about life and career).
Someone who can challenge us and meet us halfway in life.
Someone we’re super attracted to, who we enjoy looking at…
We want to find our best friend, who completely has our back.
We want to laugh and play and have fun together.
We want to finally feel safe, loved, wanted and appreciated.
And we want to have amazing chemistry and really good sex.

Read what other women are saying about Jordana Michelle…
“I just wanted to tell you, you have helped me in so many ways and I truly appreciate you putting all the work and resources in to this. I hope you continue this for a long time. I was so down and not doing great with dating or personal growth until I found your podcast. It’s been amazing to hear other’s stories and from a lesbian view . Thank you from the bottom of my sweet lesbian heart for all you do.“
“I needed this so bad right now. Like OMG, this was so useful and I didn’t think it would be. I’m thankful I gave this a try. Thank you so much for the help. The tips and info here are beyond useful and make you understand why they are useful.”
“Wow this was absolutely awesome & necessary. I’ve been longing for positive and healthy lesbian dating advice. I’ve had to watch men’s videos and it’s not the same because I’m not a man so I’m so grateful for what you do! Thank you for not being immature, crude, & toxic like other lesbian dating YouTube videos! This is sound advice.”
Are you tired of being single and feeling lonely and wondering when it's going to be your turn?
These free resources can help you attract the women you want to date.
I have put together these proven strategies that worked for me when I was lonely and looking for love, and have worked for countless other women searching for the right partner to build an amazing relationship with…/h3>
The Lesbian Heartbreak Cure
A simple yet profound formula for healing your broken heart.
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Why Will She Think You’re Hot?
What will your future partner like the most about you when you meet?
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Lesbian Magnetic Attraction
Learn the most powerful secrets of female same-sex attraction.
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Eliminating Rejection
Are you tired of getting hurt by women who don’t want you back?
Eliminate Rejection Forever
End Your Loneliness
Uncover the # 1 thing you can do to end your loneliness if you're single.
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"Wherever your soulmate is right now (if you’re not already together) she’s missing you just as much as you miss her."
Jordana Michelle